Infamy Fantasy Esports

Built a dedicated website to provide a seamless experience for users to create their teams effortlessly, reducing friction in tournament sign-ups.

Tools Used





Discord API






Apps Script


Google Sheets

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About the project

Role: Technical Lead
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Project Overview

  • Infamy is a premier fantasy esports Discord community dedicated to bringing competitive gaming fans together through tournaments and interactive events for Valorant, Rainbow Six Siege, and Overwatch 2. Their mission is to create an engaging and competitive space where players can showcase their skills and connect with like-minded gamers.

The Problem

  • Manual Tournament Management: Tournament data, including player stats, match results, and leaderboard updates, was managed manually through Google Sheets, which was time-consuming and prone to errors.
  • Lack of Automation & User-Friendly Team Creation: The process of syncing tournament data between Discord and Google Sheets required manual intervention. Additionally, players had no streamlined way to create and manage their teams, leading to confusion and inefficiencies.

The Solution

  • Automated key tournament processes by integrating Google Apps Script with Google Sheets, reducing the need for manual data entry.
  • Developed a custom Discord bot that connected directly to Google Sheets, allowing tournament organizers to fetch player stats, upload teams, and manage members' roles within Discord.
  • Built a dedicated website to provide a seamless experience for users to create their teams effortlessly, reducing friction in tournament sign-ups.
  • Implemented scheduled jobs to ensure tournament data remained up to date without manual intervention.
  • Optimized data fetching to improve performance while staying within Google API limits.

The Result

  • Eliminated the need for manual data entry, improving efficiency.
  • Reduced leaderboard update times from unpredictable to every 15mins.
  • Enabled self-service team creation, reducing admin workload and improving the player experience.
  • Scaled tournament operations, allowing for more participants without additional operational overhead.

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